
Cultural History

Kennaway, J. (2017). “Those unheard are sweeter”. Terrain, 68 


Priest, E. (2022). Earworm + Event. Duke University Press. 


Agnew, M. (1922). The auditory imagery of great composers. Psychological Monographs, 31, 279-287.

Coebergh, J. A. F., Lauw, R. F., Bots, R., Sommer, I. E. C., & Blom, J. D. (2015). Musical hallucinations: review of treatment effects. Frontiers in Psychology

Herbert, R. (2016[2011]). Everyday Music Listening: Absorption, Dissociation and Trancing. Routledge.

Herbert, R. (2022). Musical Daydreaming and Kinds of Consciousness. In: M. Kussner, L. Taruffi, and G. Floridou, (Eds.), Music and Mental Imagery: Towards an interdisciplinary framework for research and applications. Routledge. 

Huovinen, E., & Tuuri, K. (2019). Pleasant musical imagery: Eliciting cherished music in the second person. Music Perception, 36(3), 314–330. 

Ulor, M., Bailes, F., & O’Connor, D. B. (2022). An investigation into the relationship between musical imagery and anxiety. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 42(1), 5-23.