Network activities

Webinar 2: Unwanted inner music: when and why does it become difficult?

We are pleased to announce that the next Inner Music and Wellbeing webinar will be led by Dr Jan Coebergh, a consultant neurologist with expertise in musical hallucinations. The topic is ‘Unwanted inner music: when and why does it become difficult?’, promising to serve as a catalyst for interdisciplinary research discussion. The Zoom session will take place … Read more

Webinar 1: Attitudes to and Perceptions of Musical Imagery and Wellbeing 

The Inner Music and Wellbeing Network’s first webinar was held via Zoom at 1–3pm BST on 24 October 2024. The session’s theme was attitudes to, and perceptions of musical imagery and wellbeing.  Andrea Halpern (Bucknell University) and James Kennaway (University of Groningen) gave presentations, which led into panel discussion, and questions and answers. 

Launch of The Inner Music and Wellbeing Network 

The Inner Music and Wellbeing Network launch event took place on 11-12 July 2024 with an online workshop. International academic colleagues from humanities, arts, social science, and health science disciplines, along with partners The Sleep Charity and Elysium Theatre Company, met for the first time.   Day one featured a series of speed papers with each network … Read more